In the past, Thais were proud if they had studied there. Now they should be ashamed. จดหมายมาแล้ว เพื่อนๆคนอื่นโดนข้อเดียว ส่วนผมโดนสองข้อกล่าวหา นั่นคือ 1.ใช้สถานที่ราชการในการจัดประชุมโดยไม่รับอนุญาต - เกิดจากการที่ผมทำ Public Hearing รับฟังปัญหาความเดือดร้อนของผู้ค้าสวนหลวงสแควร์ที่ห้องสภานิสิต 2. แสดงพฤติกรรมที่ไม่เหมาะสมโดยเจตนาเดินออกจากแถวขณะประกอบพิธีถวายสัตย์ปฏิญาณตนเป็นนิสิตจุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย
Yesterday, I've received a letter from the Office of Student Affair of Chulalongkorn University today. It claims that I've violated Chulalongkorn University regulation on student's discipline. I'm accused of violating two regulations which are :
1 . Using a university's property (the Student Council office) without permission - It refers to that time when I hosted a public hearing in order to listen to Suanluang square's renters' problems and requests.
2. Behaving in an inappropriate manner, intentionally walking out of a freshman initiation ceremony during the ceremony.
However, my other friends who left the ceremony with me, are also accused of violating one regulation which is 1. Behaving in an inappropriate manner, intentionally walking out of a freshman initiation ceremony during the ceremony.
Honestly, I'm still glad I got a chance to listen to people and their problems, even though I'm now in trouble because of what I did.
There are still so many people in our country who need help. I believe that we, as Chula students, are quite privileged compared to the rest of society. Therefore, we have to serve our people and society more than others do.
My resolutions are to listen to people as much as possible and support Thai culture which must conform to human dignity and the command of His Majesty King Chulalongkorn.